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USA Presidential Elections - What do you need to know?

Updated: Mar 3, 2020

By: Annika Singh, Nandini Krishnan

Bernie Sanders

Vermont Senator

- He was second to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 democratic primary and is one of the most well-known candidates (his supporters include Cardi B, Miley Cyrus and John Mulaney)

- Despite speaking out against the 1%, it was revealed that he is actually a millionaire, gaining large sums of money from the publication of his books.

- He was an active supporter of the civil rights movement in the 60’s.

- He has recently undergone heart surgery after an artery blockage

KEY POLICIES: He proposed the Medicare for All scheme, that is popular among most 2020 democratic candidates. He has supported free tuition at public colleges for a long time, even when the idea was considered extreme.

Nomination? Likely

Joe Biden

Former Vice President

- Obama’s vice president from 2009 to 2017 (he’s been called out by Harris for name-dropping Obama too much), and before that, spent 36 years in the Senate

- Is involved in the Ukraine scandal and accused of corruption by Trump

- Used to have homophobic views regarding same-sex marriage, but this seemed to change before the 2015 Supreme Court case, and is also a supporter of transgender Americans serving in the military

- Has a problematic track record when it comes to sexual misconduct and the #MeToo movement - he was called out for touching women inappropriately, apologised for it, then made jokes about it soon after

KEY POLICIES: Is against Medicare for All, and instead wants to build upon Obamacare as a cheaper option (“[Warren is] for Bernie, and I’m for Barack”), wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 and aims to reduce gun violence.

Nomination? Looking rather likely recently ...

Amy Klobuchar

Minnesota Senator

- She pays yearly visits to the 87 Minnesota counties and is an excellent fundraiser (she even got her ex to donate $17,000 to her campaign!)

- She became popular for her questioning during Kavanaugh’s hearing

- She is a moderate and might appeal to swing voters

KEY POLICIES: She has proposed bills to deal with the opioid crisis and ensure that she will handle surging medication prices, however doesn’t agree with the Medicare-for-all plan. She is also a strong advocate for bipartisanship.

Nomination? Nah

Elizabeth Warren

Massachusetts Senator

- Has had a steady rise in popularity, and is known as part of the ‘Big Three’ (Warren, Sanders, Biden)

- Wants to break up corporate monopolies - including tech giants like Apple, Facebook, Google, etc.

- Claimed Native American heritage and used a DNA test to back that up, but apologised when she was accused of appropriation and undermining sovereignty of the Cherokee Nation, and released a 9,000 word Native American policy plan (double the length of any of her other policy proposals)

KEY POLICIES: She co-sponsored Bernie Sanders in his Medicare for All bill and is a strong advocate for universal healthcare, wants to remove ICE and replace the organisation with a new immigration agency. She also has a comprehensive plan for climate change, aiming to spend $3 trillion to move the US to 100% clean energy within ten years.

Nomination? Probs not

Tulsi Gabbard

U.S. Representative

- Got a lot of publicity by threatening to boycott the October primary debate, accusing corporate media of rigging the elections - but dropped her threat within a week

- First Hindu member of Congress

- Used to have homophobic, anti-abortion and anti-Islamic views, but has since apologised and changed her views

KEY POLICIES: Eliminating fees at four-year public universities (for families that make up to $125,000 a year), and make community college completely free of costs. Supports Bernie’s ‘Medicare for All’ plan (“We don’t have a health care system, we have a sick care system.”)

Nomination? Nope

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