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USA Presidential Elections: Candidate Graveyard

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

By: Annika Singh, Nandini Krishnan

Beto O’Rourke

U.S. Representative

* UPDATE: Beto dropped out of the race on November 1

Represented Texas’s 16th congressional district in the House of Representatives

Lost to Ted Cruz is the Texas Senate race, but came pretty close for a Democrat in a red state

His first name is actually Robert - and he was in a punk-rock band called Foss

KEY POLICIES: Beto O'Rourke's immigration policy (consisting of a list of "day one" executive orders) seems ambitious at best, given that even the Trump administration was only able to issue three executive orders within their first week. He’s also passionate about climate change - and wants to put $5 trillion into transforming US infrastructure to combat it.

Cory Booker

New Jersey Senator

* UPDATE: Booker dropped out of the race on January 13

Previously mayor of Newark, known for launching snowshowelling campaign via his twitter account during a blizzard. At times, he personally went out to shovel people out.

During the Kavanaugh hearings, he took a stand and released emails that showed Kavanuagh’s views on racial diversity

He is a gifted speaker and is well connected allowing for a huge funding base

KEY POLICIES: following Sander’s plan of medicare for all and backs the Green New Deal. Hopes to create a system for job guarantees, a system that ensures a well paying government job for anyone who applies for one. Also introduced the idea of baby bonds, a savings program that hopes to create income equality.

Nomination? Probs not.

Kamala Harris

California Senator

* UPDATE: Harris dropped out of the race on December 3

Joined the Senate in 2016 and was noticed for her questioning of both Trump’s cabinet selections and Brett Kavanaugh

However, she has been criticized for wrongful convictions during her time as a senator.

She is a daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, making her the first Asian American woman and first black woman as a Californian senator

KEY POLICIES: Huge emphasis on the gender pay gap, specifically in public schools and prosecutors. She also hopes to put workers in better financial situations through a monthly stipend. She also hopes to provide a road to citizenship for DREAMers.

Andrew Yang

American entrepreneur

* UPDATE: Yang dropped out of the race on February 11

The first presidential candidate to conduct a giveaway - he promised a universal basic income of $12,000 to 10 families at the September debate (“It’s original. I’ll give you that.” Buttigieg responded)

Calls his supporters the ‘Yang Gang’

Sustains a 3% at the polls, despite his lack of political experience

KEY POLICIES: Supports Medicare for All ("I'm Asian, so I know a lot of doctors. And they tell me that they spend a lot of time... avoiding being sued," he said at the September debate). Has a detailed plan to create layers of licensing for firearms, requiring universal background checks.

Pete Buttigieg

* UPDATE: Buttigieg dropped out of race on March 2 - unable to win over broad voter range in South Carolina

Mayor of South Bend, Indiana

Afghanistan war veteran, serving as a Navy Reserve from 2007-2010. Prior to this he was a consultant at Mckinsey and company.

He is the only openly gay candidate

Youngest candidate in the race, at 37

KEY POLICIES: Wants a single payer healthcare system dubbed “Medicare for all who want it.” Additionally he wants to increase mental health services. Supports DACA, but still wants more border security (but not a wall). He hopes for the USA to be carbon neutral by 2050, and wants to increase LGBT rights.

Nomination? Likely

Michael Bloomberg

Billionaire CEO of Bloomberg L.P.

* UPDATE: Bloomberg dropped out of the race on March 4

He was the mayor of New York from 2002 to 2013 and ran as a Republican during his first term, before switching to independent during his second term. He re-joined the Democratic party in 2018

He has already spent millions on advertising and skipped the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire Primary in favour of campaigning in the delegate-heavy races

His priority is beating Trump stating that he is “running for president to defeat Donald Trump and rebuild America.”

KEY POLICIES: While he doesn’t support Medicare-for-All, he has suggested a public option that would provide better support. He believes in increased gun control and hopes to provide better protection for groups like dreamers.

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