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Trump in India

By: Tara Lohani

February 24th: Hundreds of thousands were addressed in the Motera stadium, in the state of Gujarat, Ahmedabad. In a spectacle thought to cost $13 million, Trump’s visit to India concluded with the discussion of trade and security, mainly over chinas expansionist policies in the Indian ocean.


U.S- Indian ties: In the wake of some of the worst ethnic violence India has faced in decades, the U.S Indian cooperation is seemingly unaffected. Trump’s first day in India consisted of him addressing over 100,000 people, praising Indian values for their tolerance, and the country’s peaceful democracy. Although defence deals were established, including an Indian navy plan to buy $3 billion worth of US helicopters, the two sides were unable to reach a solid solution regarding trade concessions. The Indian government seeks the restoration of trade concessions that President Trump withdrew last year, (GSP: Generalised system of preferences) as well as access to US markets.

However, as China expands its control over the western pacific, the south china sea, and the Indian ocean, the two countries have chosen to implement maritime safety cooperation. The visit seemed to signal the converging interests of the two nations, fortifying their political relations. A U.S- China crisis could potentially be too huge, completely leaving India out, but would impact its economy. Chinas ascending ambition proves to be a major factor in strengthening The Indian-U.S strategic relations.

But a tangible trade agreement continues to be avoided. The visit was marked by its extravagance and is thought to be a ‘favour returned’ by Modi, after trump hosted a “Howdy Modi” rally in Houston last year, in front of a primarily Indian- American crowd. The president’s visit to India may have been carried out in an effort to attract Indian American voters. Although only 16 % of Indian-American voters voted for trump in 2016, the display of friendship between the two leaders could boost trumps numbers in the polls.

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