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The race to the proverbial needle (the sequel)

Niru Kalyanaraman

In the thick haystack of the COVID 19 pandemic, the rush to the proverbial needle has significantly gained momentum. The competitors are many, and the challenge is no easy feat, with the continually changing nature of coronavirus and fear of potential mutations, trepidation amongst scientists is rife to deliver a vaccine promptly.

WASHINGTON: The head of a top government health agency contradicts President Trump's optimistic analysis of the pandemic commenting that "we're nowhere near the end." Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (i.e., CDC), states that Trump has contradicted his statements about the value of masks and vaccine accessibility. He has also shared a concern that the latest addition to the COVID task force (Scott Atlas) is propagating inaccurate information to the president, hence endangering the lives of millions especially by stating that the United States "really have a handle of what's going on". Both parties contradict each other with regards to the availability of the vaccines, with the CDC stating that they would most likely release the vaccines between March-April 2021 whilst Trump said that it would be done so before November 3rd 2020 just in time for the elections. Speculation is on the rise that maybe the American race to this proverbial needle is no longer pure with science but tainted by politics.

MOSCOW RUSSIA: Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, speaks during an interview on September 24th, 2020 revealing that preliminary results of its vaccine trial will be released amidst the frenzy to end the pandemic. Ginstsburg states that the pace of development is needed under these conditions which resemble the war. He says that this is being done so without cutting corners. The Russian vaccine was promptly introduced during a time of uncertainty, solidifying its national prestige and reputation. However, there is doubt about the efficacy and safety of this vaccine due to it's anonymity.

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