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  • Writer's pictureAditeya DAS

The Ethics of Using ChatGPT to Write Political Articles

Artificial intelligence language models like ChatGPT have been hailed as a game-changer for the writing industry, and the use of such tools is becoming increasingly popular among journalists and writers. However, the use of ChatGPT to write political articles raises a number of ethical concerns that cannot be ignored.

One of the primary concerns is the accuracy of the content generated by ChatGPT. While the model is capable of producing high-quality text, it may not always be accurate, especially when it comes to political issues. Political articles often require an understanding of complex issues and a nuanced perspective, which may not be fully captured by an AI language model. Therefore, writers must be cautious when using ChatGPT to produce political articles and ensure that they fact-check and verify the information provided.

Another ethical concern is the potential for bias in the content generated by ChatGPT. As AI models are trained on large datasets, the possibility of reflecting biases and prejudices present in the dataset is high. This could lead to political articles that are biased towards certain viewpoints, political affiliations or ideologies. Therefore, writers must ensure that they actively combat such biases when using ChatGPT by double-checking the data sources and critically analyzing the generated text.

Plagiarism is yet another concern when using ChatGPT to write political articles. While the text generated by ChatGPT is technically original, it may still be perceived as plagiarized if it bears a striking similarity to existing articles. Therefore, it is essential for writers to give proper attribution to their sources and ensure that the generated text is not infringing upon any copyright laws.

Finally, the question of journalistic integrity arises when using ChatGPT to write political articles. Journalism has an essential role in society and aims to provide accurate and unbiased information to the public. However, relying on AI models to write political articles risks losing the human element of journalism. Journalists have a responsibility to investigate, analyze and provide informed opinions on political issues. AI models may not have the capacity to provide such an in-depth analysis, making it necessary for writers to critically evaluate the information provided by ChatGPT and supplement it with their own perspectives.

In conclusion, while ChatGPT may provide an efficient and speedy way to produce political articles, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of using AI language models. Writers and journalists must be aware of the risks associated with ChatGPT and ensure that they are maintaining journalistic integrity, accuracy, and transparency in their writing. By doing so, writers can ensure that they are producing high-quality content that is both ethical and informative.

Postscript by Sienna Lovelock-Burtt: Our school and even this political review have seen instances of work submitted by ChatGPT recently. As students in the IB, we’re tired and overwhelmed. Some of us may be asking if OpenAI tools like ChatGPT exist, why should we put the effort into writing, or creating new pieces of work, when a website can do it better? To put it simply, because of human originality. We can come up with new, creative perspectives on issues, use humor and irony, and have unique writing styles. This article addresses some of the issues in using ChatGPT in political reporting and will serve as UPR’s announcement that this will be the first, and last, ChatGPT article we publish.


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