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Pope Francis expands women’s role in catholic church services

By: Tara Lohani

On 11th January 2021, Pope Francis amended the Catholic church law to welcome women into taking part in a variety of roles, officially allowing them to give readings from the bible during mass, as well as assisting priests during service. The decree, known as “Spiritus Domini” is a relatively modest step, as in a majority of countries, women have already been allowed to carry out these duties. Additionally, priesthood for women still remains stubbornly out of reach.

Several women have been carrying out these roles for years, at the discretion of local priests, but Francis’s amendment formally grants women the official right to perform church duties. Although the decree in itself may not present any drastic reform, by updating the canon code of law, Francis has made it impossible for conservative bishops to exclude women by electing male-only altar services. This open contradiction will hopefully pave the way for further, radical steps.

Though developed countries have recognized women carrying these roles out for several years, the decree impacts those communities that utilize the church as a means to carry out traditions that oppress women. The decree legally recognizes the roles that women have been doing, and as a result, recognizes that “women are equally human to males”, according to Phyllis Zagano, an expert on female deacons.

Francis has continuously reiterated the importance of establishing a more inclusive church through letters to the Vatican, panels, and commissions, publicly advocating for the expansion of women’s positions beyond functional roles. However, priesthood will continue to be a male-only path, with Francis stating that “The church does not have the faculty in any way to confer priestly ordination on women”. Though seemingly minimal, the decree aims to consolidate further steps that will hopefully evolve the church, and allow women to take on more prominent roles in the future.

Photo Credit: Creator: Andrew Medichini Credit: AP

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