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  • Writer's pictureUWCSEA Political Review


Updated: Oct 6, 2020

By: Reet Lath


- as of yesterday, there are now 49 NEW CASES - 32 imported, 17 local

- MOH also announced last night that all entertainment outlets will be closed (no clubs, cinemas, karaoke outlets - however RESTAURANTS ARE STILL OPEN - need to reduce crowd density to stay open)

- gatherings outside work and school will be limited to 10 people or fewer

- social distancing measures are still continuing to be enforced, with people having to keep at least 1m apart

- All religious services are also to be stopped

- malls, museums and restaurants have to impose strict crowd density control measures in order to remain open.

- sorry Divesh, but it has also been announced that all tuition centres also have to be suspended - intermingling of international students is a risk the government doesn't want to take


- these measures are due to come into effect on Friday midnight - likely to be in place for a month, at least

Credit: Straits Times

Also, if you are someone who believe that COVID-19 only affects the old, here is an infographic for you, courtesy of the Straits Times:

Credit: Straits Times


- Olympic Games postponed to July 2021

- Trump announces he wants USA back up and "rearing to go" by April 12 - amid strong warnings by experts that this is NOT advisable

- New York cases soar - 25,000 - cases are DOUBLING EVERY THREE DAYS


- Modi has ordered the entire population of India to stay at home for 3 weeks

- "If you can't handle these 21 days, this country will go back 21 years", Modi said in his speech to the nation

- although India's cases are currently below 500, a explosion that countries like the USA are facing would be uncontainable in India due to its 1.3 billion population - implementing drastic measures in order to prevent the possibility of spreading

- many are worried as to how the various societies will access food and necessities, but Modi has yet to be clear on how this will be effectively handled

- mentioned government stepping in to distribute resources

- although many are panicking about what this means, it is important to note that RATION SHOPS, GROCERY STORES, and MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENTS WILL CONTINUE TO REMAIN OPEN DURING THE LOCKDOWN (commercial and private establishments will be shut down)

It is more important now than ever that we take action as a community.

Credit: Straits Times

Click here for a comprehensive list of the countries which have closed their borders to all non-locals in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Click here for some helpful statistics on the spread of coronavirus

Click here for more detailed numbers on the pandemic worldwide

Here is a comprehensive list on all cancelled events worldwide.

As always, stay safe, stay indoors, and wash your hands – if you're questioning the futility of these measures, watch this video from 6:25

It is of utmost importance to mitigate the spread of this virus, and this can only be done if we do our part. See this video on why the spread of COVID-19 depends on US.

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