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  • Writer's pictureUWCSEA Political Review


Updated: Oct 6, 2020

By: Reet Lath


Today, Italy experienced the highest single day death toll since the start of this pandemic, with 793 COVID-19 related deaths overnight

Italy has now become the epicentre of this pandemic; whilst cases and fatalities from COVID-19 in China have declined significantly, they are rising exponentially in Italy

Yesterday, Singapore experienced its first two COVOID-19 related deaths

– The victims were a 75-year-old Singaporean woman and a 64-year-old Indonesian man

– Both had a history of heart disease, and the man had been hospitalised for pneumonia prior to his arrival in Singapore

47 new cases were reported in Singapore overnight; 39 imported, 8 local

Universal Dilemma: Hospitals are Beginning to RATION SUPPLIES

– Hospitals throughout the world are being forced to evaluate who should receive treatment and who shouldn't due to a shortage of medical supplies (such as intubators) and hospital beds

– Countries like Italy, the USA, and Spain are already starting to standardise the approach to dealing with the overwhelming influx of patients

– Factors such as age, health, and life expectancy are being used to determine who should be treated, and essentially who lives (i.e. who is more of a 'value to society')

– These decisions have sparked extreme controversy; click here to learn more about the moral dilemma facing Italian doctors

Click here for a comprehensive list of the countries which have closed their borders to all non-locals in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Click here for some helpful statistics on the spread of coronavirus

Click here for more detailed numbers on the pandemic

Here is a comprehensive list on all cancelled events worldwide.

As always, stay safe, stay indoors, and wash your hands – if you're questioning the futility of these measures, watch this video from 6:25

It is of utmost importance to mitigate the spread of this virus, and this can only be done if we do our part. See this video on why the spread of COVID-19 depends on US.

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