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We are the co-creators and former editors-in-chief of UWCSEA Political Review, a political review run by students at the United World College of Southeast Asia that aims to provide a holistic coverage of key global issues.

Kimaya Ghoge and Reet Lath



Thanks for submitting!

Tanvi, Assistant Editor

Current Team


Aditeya, Co - Editor

My name is Aditeya but most people cal me Adi. I am currently in grade 10 and I like to write articles that focus on South East Asian politics, but I also love to write a lot of satirical articles as well.


Shehzeen, Co - Editor

Hi, I’m Shehzeen. I love writing about international relation/IR theory, and am excited to be this year's editor! I love dancing and travelling the world.



Hi everyone my name is Raina! I’m in grade 10 and I have a huge passion for learning about current affairs and global politics. If I had to choose, I would say that I am most interested in Asian politics but nevertheless I think all politics is interesting. I hope you enjoy reading some articles :)

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Roye, Assistant Editor

My name is Roye and I’m interested in the worlds of policy and politics. I approach the issues of our political landscape through a classical liberal or even conservative framework and strongly advocate for a freedom-oriented world order. The Middle East, Asia and the United States are my areas of expertise and apart from politics, I enjoy collecting vinyl records and trying out new places to eat in my free time


Julia, Writer

Hi I’m Julia! Current grade 9 student.

I love writing about international relations, diplomacy, political philosophy and European politics. Besides that I love philosophy, journalism, economics, learning languages, collecting old records and analogue cameras, photography and watching F1, football.

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Olá, my name is Henrique! I'm a curious person and really like to learn random geography facts. I'm mostly interested in South America politics, human rights and conflict. I'm also into film and pop culture, so I will probably write about these topics in order to share my opinion.

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